Friday, October 14, 2005

Paxmix on vacation?

Look who decided to go on vacation besides me. Paxmix! 3 days before I was back. And I was planning to do a bit of withdrawing to cover my spending spree during vacation. Just my luck, eh?

I took a 1 week vacation. I wonder how long Paxmix plan to take. It's not going to be short from the opinions I gathered that's for sure. Very likely a lifetime. Duh.

Would have been nice if I had withdrawn my balances before they closed shop. I would be even then. Guess I shouldn't complain too much though. It's no major loss as it is. Yet, we don't need the lousy feeling we get when we lose, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

would you like to exchange link?

ours is at

do leave a comment or email me at!

btw paxmix is gone.