Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fastmarket: Official Fast Market Information Dec 2005

Imagine my surprise seeing an email from Fastmarket sitting in my inbox! They have never sent me any email. Not even a confirmation when I joined, not to talk about any news update.

And here it is an email starring me right in the eye: "Official Fast Market Information Dec 2005". You can go read all about it yourself or you can save time reading my 3 lines summary:

  1. We have done well in our trading.
  3. We expect to do well in our trading.
  5. Go put in $200 or more to enjoy our special December offer of higher interest rates.

"Red alert! Red alert!" was my immediate reaction. Tempting members to put in more funds with better interest rates have always been a telltale. The scamming HYIP is practically screaming, "Give me all your money so I can go enjoy my vacation in Mauritius!"

"Hey, Fastmarket is no scammer!" I can hear you objecting. Sure, sure. So were Prime Fund, SyncInvest, and Invex. Couple with the complaints by many members who couldn't withdraw their balances, or haven't gotten their accounts updated with their wire transfers, I would really be very cautious. In fact, I'm going to give this special December offer a miss.

I must confess though that I'm amongst the lucky ones with no issue over withdrawing. All my withdrawals are for the interests earned, nothing to do with the principals. The only time I had problem withdrawing interests was because E-gold was under DDOS attack.

So, maybe I'm over reacting. Then again, maybe not. Only time can tell.