Sunday, October 23, 2005

FastMarket: $50 bonus ending soon

FastMarket have announced in their forum that they will end the $50 sign-up bonus soon. To be exact, starting from 15 Nov 2005. So anyone wanting to take advantage of the $50 bonus must act fast. Don't take it that 15 Nov 2005 is still 3 weeks away. Blink your eyes and you'll be wondering when it has passed.

At least you don't need to worry too much about FastMarket closing their door to new members for the moment. They want to satisfy the great demand for sign-ups. They also see a large membership base as a stability factor.

Below is the full text of the announcement:

$50 Bonus - Important

Dear Fast Market members,

We would like to inform you that after doing an official tally, we now apparently have upwards of 20,000 FREE FM members!

We are quite sure that they are all really excited to be a part of the FastMarket community and have the ability to grow their accounts unlimitedly, but unfortunately it can't continue in this way forever.

We have previously warned all of our members far in advance that we can only accept a limited amount of investors and will have to eventually close the doors to the general public in the foreseeable not-too-distant future, but due to the great demand for new account sign-ups and the stability factor that it undoubtedly provides, we have basically found this concept to be somewhat impractical for the moment.

The Fast Market administration team have now formally decided to waive the $50 bonus starting Nov. 15th.

Fast Market members with inactive accounts WILL NOT LOSE their accrued earnings or member accounts, but in order to unlock the account and access any available funds that are in it, a deposit of $50 will be strictly required.

Please note that NONE of your funds will be affected, because this rule will only apply to "Free accounts", i.e., you will NOT lose any funds!

If we continue to introduce the start-up bonus we will have to limit the amount of willing members who would like to join the program in the near future.

These actions should benefit all Fast Market investors, both new and old alike.

Have fun with your profits!

Fast Market Admin Team.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Your HYIP Pal: Links update - 18 Oct 2005

I delayed for a few days. Finally got round to update the links.

Removed: This got to go now. So don't get all sentimental. They are not dead. They have just gone on vacation. Very looong vacation. Like a lifetime? ;)

No worries, mate. More links coming up. As soon as I get round to blog my opinion.

FastMarket: Bonus surprise + more

I got a surprise from FastMarket yesterday. They paid me another forum bonus! A whoopee $30. It was totally unexpected since I have already gotten one in July 2005. A $20 worth then.

All in all they have given me $50 on forum bonus alone. Add the $50 sign-up bonus, it's a total of $100 bonus. Which other honest HYIP gives you such benefit?

What? The "more" part? Well, I got another surprise besides the forum bonus. My first referral for FastMarket! Collected my referral commission too.

Sure is my lucky day. ;^)

Monday, October 17, 2005

WLPP: Quizno project shelved

This is old news by now. It was announced the day I went on vacation. Just thought I should mention it in case someone hasn't heard yet.

World Limited Partnership Program decided to shelve the Quizno project. The decision is made after Conrad, the principal and admin of WLPP talked to many Quizno owners/operators. Log into the member area if you want more details.

The gists of the matter are:

  1. Long startup period: It takes 6-12 months minimum for a new Quizno setup to become profitable. Too long a time when we're aiming for profitability soonest.
  2. Low profit margin: Expected profit margin of 2-5% after expenses. Not a rate you would associate with HYIP, isn't it?

One door closes, another door opens. So no worries, mate. WLPP are looking at other projects. There is already one in the pipeline.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

PXP: Project X Pool

Project X? Wow! Sounds mysterious. Something out of a science fiction or a comic book?

I wish. I'm quite a fan of sci-fi and comics. But heck, no.

Project X is a joint venture between a group of technology insiders and GlobalVantage, a private group of international investors. The technology insiders have developed a unique profit strategy to generate consistently 10-15% or more monthly. Project X requires a minimum of $50,000. Project X Pool requires only around $50. So this makes it affordable to everyone.

You invest in PXP by buying units of shares. They have an interesting way of pricing their units. The price increases by $0.25 each day until it reaches $50.00 per unit. The later you buy, the more you pay.

I came across PXP quite a while back. Came up with rather positive results when I did my DD. I was on the verge of investing. Except I was finally discouraged by a couple of scam alerts.

Why am I bring up Project X Pool then? Well, a fellow member of a Yahoo group I'm in, Fred, just recommended it. He is in it and claims he has been paid. It seems that several organizations monitoring high yield investment programs have also received valid DD documents.

So I thought, it may not suit me, but it may suit you. Go take a look. Then decide for yourself whether you want to invest.

By the way, Fred recommended MPDW too. Now, isn't that a coincident. I recommended it in my blog as well, didn't I? And you, my friend, would have been in MPDW already, wouldn't you? ;^)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Paxmix on vacation?

Look who decided to go on vacation besides me. Paxmix! 3 days before I was back. And I was planning to do a bit of withdrawing to cover my spending spree during vacation. Just my luck, eh?

I took a 1 week vacation. I wonder how long Paxmix plan to take. It's not going to be short from the opinions I gathered that's for sure. Very likely a lifetime. Duh.

Would have been nice if I had withdrawn my balances before they closed shop. I would be even then. Guess I shouldn't complain too much though. It's no major loss as it is. Yet, we don't need the lousy feeling we get when we lose, right?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

I'm back!

Hellooo... I'm back from a short vacation.

Did anybody miss me?

Probably not. :(

Never mind.

Back to business soon.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

MPDW: Your days are numbered

"To join or not to join, that is the question."

I hate to be the one interrupting your deep thought, pal. Wake up! You won't have no question to ponder soon. Your days with Market Professionals Deliver Weekly are numbered!

Right now, MPDW are semi-private. You can join as a member with an invitation code. Soon, they will go totally private and stop accepting any new member. How soon, I don't know. They only indicated that they will do so. If you don't get in now, you may not be able to get in later. Don't let it be another case of Forex-Trading: They just stopped taking in new members suddenly with their new scripts and design.

Still hesitating because you don't know if the "Deliver Weekly" part is real? They promise "0-15% weekly for the life of the program". They have achieved 3-5% weekly since they started late Jun 2005. Do you feel this is "Deliver Weekly" enough?

Or maybe you don't understand what they mean by one "MPDW Unit". Well, 1 unit = 1 gram of E-Gold. It's really that simple. And you need 5 "units" plus 5% admin fee, meaning 5.25 grams of E-Gold in total, to start. This is about US $70-$80 depending on the gold price.

Your days with MPDW are numbered. Are you standing by the side to count the days? Or are you checking in to extend the stay? You decide.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Your HYIP Pal: Links update

I updated the links a little bit.

Removed: Not accepting new members at the moment. Will put it back when they do.
World LPP
Added: I think this is legit and will last.
Added: Reputable e-currency exchange. Reasonable fees, good services. Especially love their online bank transfers. No need to leave me home at all to get me E-gold account funded. :)