Wednesday, January 11, 2006

FastMarket: Back in action?

Is there still hope for FastMarket? Or is this another delay tactic?

After so many days of inactivity since Christmas, there is now a sign of life at FM. Tony the trader, the guy who blogs about forex trading at FM main site, just wrote his first blog for year 2006.

Yeah, you can read all about the exciting piece of new post. Me? I'm more interested to find out what this mean.

Does this mean that FastMarket have only been silent for the last few weeks because of an extended Christmas + New Year vacation? And things will be back to normal once all the staff are settled down from the holidays?

Or, is this just a distraction to give us false hope? To make us think that it was just a long vacation, so that FastMarket have more time to pack and go?

Whatever. I'm not going to raise my hope. How can I when I still can't withdraw me interests?

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