Tuesday, November 08, 2005

R-YIP: Change the game

There's a new kid in town: R-YIP. He wants to change the ball game. Why?

We were tired of seeing ridiculous claims of 5%, 10% and even 15% daily at other programs in this genre. Those systems are just big games with nothing financially solid backing it... and they disappear within weeks of opening. If you've participated in these programs before, then we're sure you're quite tired of it too. Thus the "reality" concept of R-YIP was born.

And these are what the new kid claims to offer:

  • Realistic returns on member deposits of 1% to 2% each business trading day
  • Sustainable outlook for the long term based on research and development by the finest minds in the industry
  • A system backed by a solid and stable income that ensures growth and rewards for the R-YIP members
  • Profits and Commission credited to your R-YIP account daily
  • A major change in this program genre by truly offering long-term and realistic returns

When it comes to any new HYIP program, I normally wait and see. But this one, I jumped ahead to join and invest. Because when the kid says "finest minds" in the industry, I did recognize a name or two whom I'll give credit. And heck, with a minimum of $1 to start, it's really not going to burn a big hole in my pocket.

Oh, yeah. I've forgotten to tell you what "R-YIP" stands for: Reality Yields Internet Profits. What? You thought it was "Rest Yourself In Peace"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could also try http://profits4investingtoo.blogspot.com/