Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fastmarket: Official Fast Market Information Dec 2005

Imagine my surprise seeing an email from Fastmarket sitting in my inbox! They have never sent me any email. Not even a confirmation when I joined, not to talk about any news update.

And here it is an email starring me right in the eye: "Official Fast Market Information Dec 2005". You can go read all about it yourself or you can save time reading my 3 lines summary:

  1. We have done well in our trading.
  3. We expect to do well in our trading.
  5. Go put in $200 or more to enjoy our special December offer of higher interest rates.

"Red alert! Red alert!" was my immediate reaction. Tempting members to put in more funds with better interest rates have always been a telltale. The scamming HYIP is practically screaming, "Give me all your money so I can go enjoy my vacation in Mauritius!"

"Hey, Fastmarket is no scammer!" I can hear you objecting. Sure, sure. So were Prime Fund, SyncInvest, and Invex. Couple with the complaints by many members who couldn't withdraw their balances, or haven't gotten their accounts updated with their wire transfers, I would really be very cautious. In fact, I'm going to give this special December offer a miss.

I must confess though that I'm amongst the lucky ones with no issue over withdrawing. All my withdrawals are for the interests earned, nothing to do with the principals. The only time I had problem withdrawing interests was because E-gold was under DDOS attack.

So, maybe I'm over reacting. Then again, maybe not. Only time can tell.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Ama-Zone = E-Gold?

I am clearing my bookmark links of the old HYIPs I invested. As a practice, I just click to see what becomes of the site. Whether it still exists or morphs into something else, you know.

And what a surprise I have after clicking this old link to Ama-Zone. A phishing site for E-Gold? You must be kidding me.

I played around clicking the links on the site. It's using a frame to pull the real pages from E-Gold, so you get the whole works including the turing number. I'm sure Ama-Zone will intercept your data once you push the button to request for your E-Gold account information. And you know of course the next minute your E-Gold will be hacked.

Not a particularly sophisticated phish site. It doesn't duplicate everything from the real stuff. I don't feel anyone will really get conned here. Still, you never know. Anyway, you have been warned.

FeederFund: New program plus some

FeederFund introduced a new Associated Program a week back. Know as the "Leopard Fund", it is a business loan opportunity paying interest up to 5% per month with principal guaranteed. The fund is domiciled in the US with full disclosure. How much more secure can you get from a fund?

Interested but no account? No worry. Click this FeederFund link to sign up for a free account. You can then log in to find out more details on Leopard Fund. While you log in, don't forget to check out the other funds.

One small problem. Don't expect confirmation messages on sign up and suchlike. Their email system is acting up. They will be working on it once they are on the new server.

Did I say "new server"? :) Guess now is a good time to tell you that FeederFund are changing servers early Dec 2005. So if you got access problem, you know what's happening. They don't expect the access problem to last beyond 5 Dec 2005 though.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Safe-Holdings not safe anymore?

I didn't get my weekly payout this past Friday. And I can't access Safe-Holdings for the last 2 days. Got the " could not be found" error message.

A check around some HYIP forums confirmed this is not my problem alone. Like me, other investors can't access the web site since Friday too. So, is Safe-Holdings a goner?

I certainly hope not. I've been getting good returns for the last 4 weeks, recovering practically 50% of my initial spend. In fact, I recovered 60% with a boost of referral commission last week. With such good returns, who in their right mind wouldn't want the program to continue?

Since the admin didn't post any status update in the forum he frequents, speculation abounds. Some say the down time is due to a site revamp. Some say it's a goner. One investor pointed out that because of the unusual good returns, that's why the program can't last. A hind sight which seems to pop up always. But when the going is good, nobody seems to remember this. Funny, isn't it?

It will be a pity if Safe-Holdings is gone forever. It had such great payouts. I'm fine even if it's gone though. Because when I invest, I always treat the money as goner. Plus I've actually gotten back 60% of my spend.

I only feel sorry for my referral - whoever s/he is. S/he just invested and this has to happen. What luck!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

R-YIP: Change the game

There's a new kid in town: R-YIP. He wants to change the ball game. Why?

We were tired of seeing ridiculous claims of 5%, 10% and even 15% daily at other programs in this genre. Those systems are just big games with nothing financially solid backing it... and they disappear within weeks of opening. If you've participated in these programs before, then we're sure you're quite tired of it too. Thus the "reality" concept of R-YIP was born.

And these are what the new kid claims to offer:

  • Realistic returns on member deposits of 1% to 2% each business trading day
  • Sustainable outlook for the long term based on research and development by the finest minds in the industry
  • A system backed by a solid and stable income that ensures growth and rewards for the R-YIP members
  • Profits and Commission credited to your R-YIP account daily
  • A major change in this program genre by truly offering long-term and realistic returns

When it comes to any new HYIP program, I normally wait and see. But this one, I jumped ahead to join and invest. Because when the kid says "finest minds" in the industry, I did recognize a name or two whom I'll give credit. And heck, with a minimum of $1 to start, it's really not going to burn a big hole in my pocket.

Oh, yeah. I've forgotten to tell you what "R-YIP" stands for: Reality Yields Internet Profits. What? You thought it was "Rest Yourself In Peace"?

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Wanted: {}. Dead or Alive.

{} paid me for the last time on 1 Nov 2005.

The web site is still around, but that of course is no help. There isn't much information on the web site to tell you what's happening. So I just went into my own speculation.

They have made 60 payments into my E-gold account. So maybe they stop at 60 payments? Then again, my profit is exactly 40%. Is the return only 140% inclusive of initial spend?

HYIP Farm seems to be in the know though. On 31 Oct 2005, Edwin, the administrator, hinted that {} would shut down. So looks like he knew something but he's not revealing anything more.

Wanted: More information on {}. Is it dead or alive? Leave your comments please. Anyway, now is definitely not the time to go spend your Christmas money there, don't you agree?

Safe-Holdings: 14% and 12%

I'm totally impressed with Safe-Holdings.

Only two weeks with the program, and what have I gotten? 14% return on the first weekly payout, and 12% on the second. And am I lucky or what? 14% is the highest weekly return so far! What a way to start my journey with the program.

In its short life of 17 weeks or about 4 months, this HYIP has produced an average weekly return of 9.65%. Anukan, the program administrator, puts the expected profits down as 4% to 16% per week. He has definitely been on target.

The average weekly return translates into 1.93% daily with a 5 trading-day week. On a monthly basis, we get about 38.6% per month. Wow! Now that's no mean feat, I reckon. You should get your initial spend back within 3 months if Anukan is consistent.

Safe-Holdings started life on 28 Jun 2005. It is a one-man show by Anukan, a full time trader, investor, and punter. This is no scamming HYIP. Anukan provides screen shots of his trading accounts. There are many happy investors with their "paid" posts too in its forum. Like me, they have received their Friday payouts direct in their E-gold accounts.

There is really nothing much more to say about this HYIP except it delivers. If you're looking for another investment opportunity, Safe-Holdings is one worth risking your $50. And if you feel like thanking me for introducing you this program, you can always put my E-gold #1917338 as reference when you invest. But hey, it's your choice.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

FastMarket: $50 bonus ending soon

FastMarket have announced in their forum that they will end the $50 sign-up bonus soon. To be exact, starting from 15 Nov 2005. So anyone wanting to take advantage of the $50 bonus must act fast. Don't take it that 15 Nov 2005 is still 3 weeks away. Blink your eyes and you'll be wondering when it has passed.

At least you don't need to worry too much about FastMarket closing their door to new members for the moment. They want to satisfy the great demand for sign-ups. They also see a large membership base as a stability factor.

Below is the full text of the announcement:

$50 Bonus - Important

Dear Fast Market members,

We would like to inform you that after doing an official tally, we now apparently have upwards of 20,000 FREE FM members!

We are quite sure that they are all really excited to be a part of the FastMarket community and have the ability to grow their accounts unlimitedly, but unfortunately it can't continue in this way forever.

We have previously warned all of our members far in advance that we can only accept a limited amount of investors and will have to eventually close the doors to the general public in the foreseeable not-too-distant future, but due to the great demand for new account sign-ups and the stability factor that it undoubtedly provides, we have basically found this concept to be somewhat impractical for the moment.

The Fast Market administration team have now formally decided to waive the $50 bonus starting Nov. 15th.

Fast Market members with inactive accounts WILL NOT LOSE their accrued earnings or member accounts, but in order to unlock the account and access any available funds that are in it, a deposit of $50 will be strictly required.

Please note that NONE of your funds will be affected, because this rule will only apply to "Free accounts", i.e., you will NOT lose any funds!

If we continue to introduce the start-up bonus we will have to limit the amount of willing members who would like to join the program in the near future.

These actions should benefit all Fast Market investors, both new and old alike.

Have fun with your profits!

Fast Market Admin Team.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Your HYIP Pal: Links update - 18 Oct 2005

I delayed for a few days. Finally got round to update the links.

Removed: This got to go now. So don't get all sentimental. They are not dead. They have just gone on vacation. Very looong vacation. Like a lifetime? ;)

No worries, mate. More links coming up. As soon as I get round to blog my opinion.

FastMarket: Bonus surprise + more

I got a surprise from FastMarket yesterday. They paid me another forum bonus! A whoopee $30. It was totally unexpected since I have already gotten one in July 2005. A $20 worth then.

All in all they have given me $50 on forum bonus alone. Add the $50 sign-up bonus, it's a total of $100 bonus. Which other honest HYIP gives you such benefit?

What? The "more" part? Well, I got another surprise besides the forum bonus. My first referral for FastMarket! Collected my referral commission too.

Sure is my lucky day. ;^)

Monday, October 17, 2005

WLPP: Quizno project shelved

This is old news by now. It was announced the day I went on vacation. Just thought I should mention it in case someone hasn't heard yet.

World Limited Partnership Program decided to shelve the Quizno project. The decision is made after Conrad, the principal and admin of WLPP talked to many Quizno owners/operators. Log into the member area if you want more details.

The gists of the matter are:

  1. Long startup period: It takes 6-12 months minimum for a new Quizno setup to become profitable. Too long a time when we're aiming for profitability soonest.
  2. Low profit margin: Expected profit margin of 2-5% after expenses. Not a rate you would associate with HYIP, isn't it?

One door closes, another door opens. So no worries, mate. WLPP are looking at other projects. There is already one in the pipeline.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

PXP: Project X Pool

Project X? Wow! Sounds mysterious. Something out of a science fiction or a comic book?

I wish. I'm quite a fan of sci-fi and comics. But heck, no.

Project X is a joint venture between a group of technology insiders and GlobalVantage, a private group of international investors. The technology insiders have developed a unique profit strategy to generate consistently 10-15% or more monthly. Project X requires a minimum of $50,000. Project X Pool requires only around $50. So this makes it affordable to everyone.

You invest in PXP by buying units of shares. They have an interesting way of pricing their units. The price increases by $0.25 each day until it reaches $50.00 per unit. The later you buy, the more you pay.

I came across PXP quite a while back. Came up with rather positive results when I did my DD. I was on the verge of investing. Except I was finally discouraged by a couple of scam alerts.

Why am I bring up Project X Pool then? Well, a fellow member of a Yahoo group I'm in, Fred, just recommended it. He is in it and claims he has been paid. It seems that several organizations monitoring high yield investment programs have also received valid DD documents.

So I thought, it may not suit me, but it may suit you. Go take a look. Then decide for yourself whether you want to invest.

By the way, Fred recommended MPDW too. Now, isn't that a coincident. I recommended it in my blog as well, didn't I? And you, my friend, would have been in MPDW already, wouldn't you? ;^)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Paxmix on vacation?

Look who decided to go on vacation besides me. Paxmix! 3 days before I was back. And I was planning to do a bit of withdrawing to cover my spending spree during vacation. Just my luck, eh?

I took a 1 week vacation. I wonder how long Paxmix plan to take. It's not going to be short from the opinions I gathered that's for sure. Very likely a lifetime. Duh.

Would have been nice if I had withdrawn my balances before they closed shop. I would be even then. Guess I shouldn't complain too much though. It's no major loss as it is. Yet, we don't need the lousy feeling we get when we lose, right?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

I'm back!

Hellooo... I'm back from a short vacation.

Did anybody miss me?

Probably not. :(

Never mind.

Back to business soon.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

MPDW: Your days are numbered

"To join or not to join, that is the question."

I hate to be the one interrupting your deep thought, pal. Wake up! You won't have no question to ponder soon. Your days with Market Professionals Deliver Weekly are numbered!

Right now, MPDW are semi-private. You can join as a member with an invitation code. Soon, they will go totally private and stop accepting any new member. How soon, I don't know. They only indicated that they will do so. If you don't get in now, you may not be able to get in later. Don't let it be another case of Forex-Trading: They just stopped taking in new members suddenly with their new scripts and design.

Still hesitating because you don't know if the "Deliver Weekly" part is real? They promise "0-15% weekly for the life of the program". They have achieved 3-5% weekly since they started late Jun 2005. Do you feel this is "Deliver Weekly" enough?

Or maybe you don't understand what they mean by one "MPDW Unit". Well, 1 unit = 1 gram of E-Gold. It's really that simple. And you need 5 "units" plus 5% admin fee, meaning 5.25 grams of E-Gold in total, to start. This is about US $70-$80 depending on the gold price.

Your days with MPDW are numbered. Are you standing by the side to count the days? Or are you checking in to extend the stay? You decide.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Your HYIP Pal: Links update

I updated the links a little bit.

Removed: Not accepting new members at the moment. Will put it back when they do.
World LPP
Added: I think this is legit and will last.
Added: Reputable e-currency exchange. Reasonable fees, good services. Especially love their online bank transfers. No need to leave me home at all to get me E-gold account funded. :)

Friday, September 30, 2005

Daily compounding power at Paxmix

I don't know why I have never realized it. Could it be that I have been obsessed with recovering my initial spend? That's a rule I try very hard to obey whenever I spend my own money: Recover your initial spend as soon as possible.

Greed overcomes me every so often though. I have broken the rule more times than I care to remember eyeing after the big fat balances. I have regretted just as many times breaking the rules. I would stay cool a while before my emotion takes over. Then the cycle begins again.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm rambling. I was going to say that it somehow only dawned on me this morning. Paxmix is paying daily compounding interest! That means my balance will double in 36 days at 1.98% daily. At 2.48%, the highest rate, it's 29 days. One whole week less.

You may think, "Yawn... Big deal." But have you tried adding up the numbers? We know that Paxmix plans to lower the interest rates to 37% yearly from Jan 2007. So let's just crunch the numbers from Oct 2005 to Dec 2006 using the current rates.

  1. Oct 2005 to Dec 2006 = About 450 days
  2. 450 days / 36 days = 12.50 times of doubling
  3. Double $1 by 12.50 times = $5,792!
  4. $5,792 x $5 minimum spend = $28,960!

Do the same with 2.48%, 29 days, and $5: $234,490!


So, what's the point of all the number crunching?

Eh... Come to think of it, none. I just got too excited over the daily compounding and the possibilities. In reality, who would keep on compounding and doubling their balances? We all know HYIP is a risky business. So no one will reach those numbers even if Paxmix can last that long. No seasoned HYIP player will take the risk.

I guess there is a point going through the exercises after all. It gets me dreaming about the possibilities. That's what keeps me going in the HYIP games.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Paxmix - 3rd withdrawal success

I said I wasn't going to invest in Paxmix way back. And here I am talking about a 3rd successful withdrawal? Did I lie?

Oh, no, I'm no liar. If you follow my blog long enough, you know that I'm a sucker for honesty. So I absolutely, completely, definitely, and unquestionably don't lie.

Oops! Did I just do what I said I don't do? Ah! Eh... Sorry. Can we forget about the whole thing?

As I was saying, I wasn't prepared to invest way back then but I didn't say I wouldn't forever. I changed my mind mid-August 2005 and spent the minimum $5. Well, I can tell you that so far I'm glad I did change my mind.

With my 3rd withdrawal yesterday, I recovered 60% of my initial spend. My balance remains more than doubled thanks to a little help from my referrals and the compounding magic. In 2 weeks, I should recover all my initial spend. Then it'll be profit all the way!

Paxmix are paying the high HYIP rates because they can't give out any state guarantee certificates as they aren't registered in SEC. They plan to do so and lower the interest rate to 37% a year after 2006. So, if things go smoothly, I'll have up till end of 2006 to build my fortune. :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

LPP: Quiznos project closed

The Quiznos program by World Limited Partnership Program has been closed. The response to the program has been overwhelming. Within 5 days of the announcement, the total indication to buy is over 2,700 for the 2,600 units available.

If you miss the opportunity, don't worry. As soon as the Quiznos program is active, LPP will open another program. They already have a target.

So, this is a good time to join Limited Partnership Program. You'll get first hand news when they come out in the next few days. The membership is free anyway.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

First LPP project selling like hotcakes!

Apparently the first project of World Limited Partnership Program is selling like hotcakes. The latest news update put it at less than 200 units! So the project is likely to close out any time today.

Some LPP members questioned whether the whole setup is a scam. I don't have the problem. Not because I'm that confident, but rather that I always invest with a pinch of salt.

No matter how good a program sounds, there is always a chance of you not getting any money back. Whether due to an honest business failure or a scam it matters not. The risk exists.

The only way you're not losing any money is to not let the money out of your hand. You'll get to see it shrinks though. From inflation.

Hey, that's a small issue, right? You didn't lose the money, did you? You can still feel good then. ;-)

Friday, September 23, 2005

First venture of LPP: World Limited Partnership Program

Is World Limited Partnership Program a HYIP? I think it is. Except it's not your usual online a-dime-a-dozen type trading in foreign currencies or high risk stocks. It's more of a business venture type of high yield program.

LPP, as they call themselves, are set up to form venture capital pools. They use the pools to purchase actual revenue producing companies, franchises, and websites to build the ventures up. As a pool member, you become part owner of the companies. You earn commissions now, and receive residual income from the venture pool profits and group profits for the rest of your life.

No promise of any fixed rates of return. They only promise to select potentially profitable companies to the best of their knowledge. After all, their payments are tied to the performance of the companies too.

How many capital pools can you expect? As many as prudence and due diligence will produce. Meaning: No set schedule. This makes business sense, doesn't it? Only when a venture looks good, and fits into the culture, then should a shrewd businessman pursue further.

That's the reason why LPP have only announced the first project these few days though they have been online for a while. They are moving into the food industry. Quiznos to be exact. A total of 2,600 units at $50 each are offered in this venture capital pool. Within 48 hours of announcement, more than 1,600 units have been booked!

The number of units you buy will determine your status as a Silent, Full, Senior, or Corporate Partner in the Quiznos project. The more units you buy, the more benefits and privileges you enjoyed with the accorded status. I booked 2 units to become a Full Partner. This allows me to peek into the decision making process and to receive more detailed information about the offerings.

Feel like you have missed the boat? Hey, go grab the remaining 1,000 units. Or join as a member to take part in future ventures.

As a member, you get first hand information on any new pool. If you like the concept and potential of the company in the pool, join that group. Be part owner of the company and receive profits regularly. If not, simply pass it to wait for later pools. It really is quite that simple. With membership to World Limited Partnership Program free, I see no reason you passing up the opportunity.

POF (Private Offshore Fund) went poof!

Never did expect Private Offshore Fund to last long but I still went in. Thought I could get out before it closed with my initial spend recovered at least. Then I got stuck with the minimum $20 withdrawal. And now, a few hours ago, it just went poof!

I know the doom of Private Offshore Fund was coming. Stories about withdrawals pending. Warnings from this group and that. But what could I have done? Nothing!

The ponzi game is not an easy one to play. I've learnt my lesson. I shall stick with the old and tried programs from now onwards. Not! :D

Thursday, September 22, 2005

New program by FeederFund

FeederFund have just added a new investment program. That bumped the total programs in the portfolio to a lucky 7. Get my hint? ;^)

I can't tell you much about the new program because the admin has specifically told us not to. I think I can tell you these though: Out of the lucky 7, this will be the 2nd highest paying. If you're fast, you can get yourself some nice Christmas gifts too. The faster, the better.

Can I tell you more? Sorry, no. I don't want to lose my membership. Go look it up from the news section in FeederFund yourself.

Not a member? No worry. You just need a referrer code. Go ahead. The sign up is free.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

DX-Invest - Close(d) Encounters

No more "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", folks. Now it's simply "closed". DX-Invest doesn't exist anymore.

The program admins don't talk much. The payment stopped after 8 Aug 2005. No one explained anything. I was prepared to write it off as a goner. Then came the surprise refund on 13 Sep 2005. Again, not a word. And of course now the web site disappeared with no warning.

It's a mystery to me why DX-Invest shut their door. They gathered our funds to operate their DXInOne account. As far as I know, DXInOne is legit and quite lucrative, so this HYIP should survive financially. There wasn't any DDoS attack nor other technical difficulty. So technical problem isn't the cause. I can't think of anything else, hence I'm scratching my head.

I must applaud the program admins though. How many HYIP admins returned your investments plus interests lately when they closed their programs? None? They just ran away with your money? DX-Invest are definitely refreshingly different.

I just wish the program admins weren't the strong and silent type. I might have gotten to know them better and find out where they intend to venture next. Then I would surely pump in funds — more than what I did with my close(d) encounter. They deserve it. They earned it.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Money talks, bullshit walks. {}

Do you recognize the tagline? If you do, congratulation! You must have been receiving your daily interests on time.

You see, "money talks, bullshit walks" appears in the memo field when you spend through E-gold. It's the only e-currency accepted, by the way. And boy oh boy, do {} live up to their motto.

Money talks. These guys have paid me every single day in the last 3 weeks. Don't ask me how many more payments to go though. I don't know. I just know I'll get more than I spent. HYIP rating sites and discussion forums easily confirm this.

The returns aren't half bad either. Variable up to 10% daily, hovering mostly around 3%. I got 9.3% on my first payment. Must be my lucky day. :-)

Bullshit walks. See, these folks are men (?) of few words. They don't boast about how good they are in forex trading. They don't tell you how fast they can make you rich. They don't say nothing. The site is bare except 3 lines of text right smack in the middle of the page:

  1. Program name plus the invest field and button.
  2. Copyright and some numbers representing...?
  3. A link to a promotion page. The only other directly accessible page. Get your supplies of logos, banners, desktop wallpapers and posters here.

Nothing said. Nothing promised. Everything is left to your imagination. So, if they stop paying, can we call them a scam? Hmm...

Not that these folks will disappear any time soon, I feel. The whois shows the domain name expiring... year 2015! How about that? They plan to be around for a long time!

Good money. Bullshit free. Now you know why I call {} the ultimate HYIP site.

Tempted? But wait! Your heart sinks with the $1,000 spend amount already filled in?

Don't, 'cos you need only 1/1000 of that. Yes, just $1 to get started. But you won't put in a mere $1, would you?

Friday, September 16, 2005

New Forex-Trading

Forex-Trading just spot a new outlook.

No more introductory page. You get directed straight to a secure https page. Funny thing is, they still offer you the login options of either secure https or the normal http when both end up being secure.

The layout is now cleaner and more appealing. They put up a new theme with better design. Something more modern like WinXP. They also dumped some unused menu items in the member area. You can see for yourself when you log in how much better it becomes.

Have Forex-Trading gone totally private with this move, granted they have always been kind of semi-private? Are they closing the membership too? As the new design stands, there is no place for sign up. No invitation system either. So no point you going to their web site if you aren't a member yet.

There were plans to update the web site. But I don't recall them talking about going totally private. Nor not accepting any more new members. I'll just have to wait for more updates from the admin. Or ask them if I don't get any news.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


The ultimate HYIP site.

Take your risk.

Enough said.


Paxmix is no Investment Group

Paxmix say that they own the domain names,, and only. They warn that is a fake site. So be careful.

Paxmix Investment Group is apparently operating the fake site. A name very close to the genuine one. Many scammer wannabes use this tactic. They adopt part of a successful HYIP name, add a word or two like "Group" to the title, and voila! One instant family member created. Many an unsuspecting investor falls prey to this kind of scam.

The next time you're eager to spend at this wonderful HYIP you heard so much about, follow these 3 simple steps:

  1. Stop your urge to spend right now. A real investment site will be around for a long time. So, a short delay won't hurt, right?
  2. Look around the site. Check the site name and url. Do they match exactly what you know?
  3. Listen to what fellow investors are saying. Do fake sites abound?

These steps don't guarantee you scam free ever after. They do help filter out some scam sites. It's better than nothing, right?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Private Offshore Fund

Another new boy on the block offering 7%-10% daily. Started 27 Aug 2005, there are 3,470 accounts and $1.075 m deposited as of today, if you believe what they say. Impressive, isn't it?

Will it last another week? A month? Your guess is just as good as mine. I can only tell you I went spending at Private Offshore Fund.

They gave me a 20% bonus on my E-gold spend as StormPay balance. A nice touch. A nice un-touch-able because I can't withdraw it. The minimum withdrawal is $20. The same as the minimum spend.

Beware of this before you spend a single cent on this HYIP. Nobody told me there is a minimum withdrawal sum. Certainly not Private Offshore Fund.

Now I'm stuck. I can't withdraw any money for at least another 10 days. I'll will just have to sit through it.

Here today, gone tomorrow

Another ponzi site just went the way of the dodo bird was Minute Gold. The url now redirects you to a "This Account Has Been Suspended" page. Minute Gold? I'm sure it was here a minute ago.

Cutesy turns ugly

What can I say? All babies are adorable until they grow up. Create Union was one cute baby growing up real fast, turned ugly, and died young!

I never expect this HYIP to last forever. I just never expect it gone so fast. It went for the we-will-be-back-after-maintenance routine and then just plain disappeared. Lasting no more than two weeks. Never got a chance to fully recover my initial spend.

I knew it was a scam with the high interest rates. I knew it wouldn't last. Yet I went in, thinking I was smart enough to pull out before it collapsed. Show how dumb I really am right now huh. Who to blame? No one except myself.

At least I stuck with the golden rule: Invest only what you can afford to lose. It has served me well. And I did get one withdrawal done. And I still love those cute little icons in Create Union. :)

Close Encounters of the Third Kind: DX-Invest

I was checking my E-gold account and found a surprise entry: "From: dx-invest Memo: dxinvest - return of investment".

Huh? Quickly I went over to DX-Invest. No announcement of closing the site. Scratching my head, I tried logging in and it went through. Again, no news in the member area.

What is the admin thinking of?

Not that I am unhappy about the refund with interest. Nothing great. I spent only the minimum. I'm happy more because I've kind of given up hope to lay my hands on the account balance. And now it has been delivered right to my door step without me asking.

I knew this HYIP collects funds to invest in DXInOne (former DXGold). Nowhere on the site says you can only withdraw to a DXInOne account though. So, imagine my frustration when I first tried to withdraw my interests into E-gold. DXInOne is the 101 withdrawal option available. I had intended to take a closer look at DXInOne, but I want to do it at my own time. I hate being forced into it. End up I just let this account dangling in the air.

Finally, the whole episode comes to a happy ending. I can go check out DXInOne as and when I pleased. The only mystery is what prompted the refund? Wish the DX-Invest admin would tell us.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

No more PonziHYIP.

It turns out that PonziHYIP is not an experimental ponzi after all. This ponzi is a scam. It stopped paying out withdrawals about a week back, didn't answer any email or forum posting. And today, I can't access the site, nor the forum.

Looking back to my post where I first talked about PonziHYIP, I said:

I'm a sucker for honesty. Probably because I'm rather a straight forward chap myself. How else would you explain my getting into such HYIP investments as Sunflower Seed and Forex-Trading with — seemingly so if not truly ;-) — honest operators?

How this — seemingly honest — rings true now. I guess it is the trait of a good and professional con artist. Surely the scammer must gain our trust first before we will trust him with our money, right? Somehow, I also expect 95% of the HYIP sites out there to fail sooner or later. So, when I spend into any high yield programs, I always have this lingering doubt no matter how confident I am with the investments.

Don't I trust any one of the them? Sure I do. FeederFund comes to mind straight away. My lingering doubt over FastMarket dwindles as days go by. I have a pretty good feeling about Forex-Trading too.

Who else will make it to my list next? Paxmix? MPDW? 4x-Club? I don't know yet. Come back later. You'll find out then.

Fast Market and Fast-Market? Seeing double?

FAST Market or Fast-Market? or $50 signup bonus or 50% referral bonus?

Which is real, which is fake? Who is the original, who is the copycat? Can you tell?

Too many questions? Should I stop? You sure?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Invex: The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Dear fellow HYIP players, here's another story coming to an end. This is supposed to spill the beans on the Invex episodes. Believe what you want.

Dear Invex Ltd. Donators,

Please read our official statement here:

Please VOTE in our poll!

Thank you :)


Invex Ltd.
Lomax Group Corp.

Is this message by the "old" or the "new" boys? Or maybe there were never any "old" and "new" boys. Maybe they were one and the same. That does explain how they gain access to the Yahoo group.

I won't crack my head if I were you though. You play the HYIP game long enough, you know 95% of them will fail one way or another. The question is: How to survive the 95% while you go finding the 5%? I'm working on it. I'm blogging about it. Obviously I'm still surviving. And I've found a couple of the 5%, I hope, while making the most of the 95%.

Sunflower finally withers.

Site is finally closed.

I will not continue the program. What I do is to find a way to make (serious) profits out of the members funds to grow them at least to the amount what the members had invested. Then I refund everyone.

Admin of 'Sunflower Seed'

Update: 08.09.2005

The story finally comes to an end? Most likely. Don't expect a sequel, but maybe an epilogue. Like, everybody suddenly find gold dropping through their chimneys one night?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A Minute a Gold piece.

I'm in the mood to play the ponzi game right now. I was playing PonziHYIP. I just joined Create Union. And I'm now in Minute Gold.

You can guess from the name the pay out, don't you? Yes, it's literally a minute a piece of e-gold. You get 0.075% every minute for 24 hours. It works out to 108% including your principal, or 8% net return. Not bad for one day risk. The interests earned accrue in your account, and are available for withdrawal to your E-gold the minute they're in your account. If you're game, you can reinvest every minute instead.

Not much else to say about Minute Gold. Except it pays a 5% referral bonus. The deposit amount is $15 – $10,000.

You already know all you need to know. What to do now? Go invest in Minute Gold. What else?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Cutesy Create Union.

Did I actually say cutesy? Am I sure Create Union is really a high yield investment? Sounds more likely a site for kids or ladies.

Ooh... You just got to join the program to see why I call it so. Especially you ladies out there. You really must join to take a look if not for anything else. Serious. I've never seen such adorable "User CP" interface in my encounters with other HYIPs so far. You won't regret it. I promise.

I like the "About Us" too. I don't remember seeing so many photos with names and designations to match at any other HYIP sites. Adds to the professional feel of the web site. The scripts they use is not off the shelf either. Heck, they even have their own debit card!

Ignore the daily 18-30% promise though. Do you believe it possible with such high rates? No? Smart. Any site promising such high return rates is pure ponzi or scam until proven otherwise.

Not that most high yield programs aren't partly ponzi in nature. And not that you can't make money out of a ponzi site. You just need to get in early. With this site online only 8 days, how early can you be? You also need lots of referrals. And this is where all you come in. ;-)

All in all, it seems they put in a fair bit of efforts on the web site. Unlikely they will run away soon with all the time and money spent. Plus they take in an average of $1,800 deposit daily and pay out just $200 daily so far, I think Create Union should last for a while. So if you want to play the ponzi game, now is the time to get in.

Of course, the cutesy interface is one big reason you must join too. Made my day. It did.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Twist to Invex, continues.

Already 253 Bonds owners subscribed to the Bond Group. A lot are missing, we will wait until Friday and then will post information in the Bonds group.

A lot of people who are not in the Invex database as bond owners wrote to the Bonds group to contact us. As told, we will not reply to anybody. Don't waste your time!

Things are 100% under control, the Invex/Gcard scammers are identified and their details will be posted as announced earlier. We will also publish the emails of all people who made large profits with Invex, and invite them to share their profits with people who lost money. Our hacking communauty is very aware of solidarity wehen things are going bad.

We continue to read, here and there, various BS about us, but won't reply at all.

Like Confucius said, "Those who don't know speak, those who know don't speak".

A new message will be sent to this group in the next days.

I said I'm through with Invex. Yet I keep on feeding you all these news. Am I an Invex junky or what? ;^)

Just so I leave no doubt in your mind. The news are from the "new" boys. The ones I talked about last.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Twist to Invex.

I just received the message below. Make sure you read point 0 even if you skip the rest. Interesting stuff.

Dear Investors,

Some OFFICIAL news:

0- We, a small group of people who do not appreciate scanner, have taken the control of Invex Ltd. database, emails and accounts. The full story of the Invex Ltd. will be disclosed later this week. We will, for simplify, continue to use the words "Invex Ltd." and "Lomax Group Corporation", despite they have now no more power for your investments.

1- We have setup a Group for BONDS Investors. Each of them received an invitation to join. The funds for the bonds really invested, and the Invex plan was to run away with the money at the end of December. The bonds were in fact scheduled to be paid to Invex in the end of December.

The Bonds Owners will receive the direct contact information to the organism who sold the Bonds to Invex Ltd., an official bank. The Bonds Investors will be informed in the special group, next week, time for them to subscribe. We will recommend them to elect one or two people who will contact the bank, and to whom we will transmit the digital "keys" of the Bonds investments. That, will be treated in the special group for Bonds owners.

The Yahoo groups do not allow emails that contain "admin", "webmaster", "info", "help", etc. If you are in this case, send an email to with "BOND EMAIL" in the subject.

We will not reply, but will send you an invitation to join the Bonds group.

2- As we told earlier, wo do not reply to individual emails, for reasons that will be explained later.

3- We do hope that each of you who has a GCARD followed our recommendation and withdrawed his funds: ALL gcards are now blocked, after some hackers have disclosed that any PIN code allowed to withdraw funds. It is not sure that it isn't the MYGCARD team itself that dosclosed this, a good way to block the cards "for technical upgrade" as they say, and run away with the money.

4- As Invex Ltd. withdrawed all funds right before closing their website, there is now no money to pay the regular "Non Bonds" Investors.

Later this week, we will disclose the ID, addresses, phone numbers, of the heads of the Invex/Mygcard scam, so that Investors can try to recover their funds directly.

5- This message may be published, as long as you publish it completely.


Hmm, a new twist.

I doubt I qualify for the refund from the "old" Invex, so I won't know if the "old" boy kept their promise. Thus proving themselves genuine. I also wonder how the small group of anti-scammers gains access to the Invex Yahoo group. Supposingly, the Invex admin has locked it so that only moderators can post messages.

Whatever. Invex is history to me. No point to waste too much time on it.

Monday, August 29, 2005

My-Crosoft in maintenace, soon.

Before anyone start yelling "scam" the moment they can't access My-Crosoft, read this first:

Dear Members, Ladies and Gentleman,

Today (— meaning Monday, 29 Aug 2005, in case you're wondering —) we transfer the database from the old one in to the new one, when this process is done the website will be down, so do not panic, we thought it can be done with the site up, but could create problems if during this time an investment is made.

As long as the sit is up investments can be made, if your e-gold account number is within the old data your former investments will be included as well during the update.

Ones the site comes up again, there is a new script for the ones who did not feed there accounts in to the new system.

Tomorrow we are on the way to Singapore.


Fred and Charly

As I'm blogging, the site is still up. Expect it to go down anytime though. No mention of how long it will be down for maintenance. With the number of old accounts My-Crosoft / Tatijana have, I don't feel this to be an overnight job. I've also come to expect all sorts of problems when dealing with computer stuff. All said, I won't blink an eye if it is a week or two before we see any life again.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Loss in Forex-Trading.

I told you these people "tell it like it is", and "(p)ainting rosy picture is not their job", didn't I? Guess what? I just have my first share of the trading loss. :-(

Am I unhappy? Uh-huh. Didn't you see my emoticon? But, I'm also happy. :) This shows that Forex-Trading are really trading forex. They are no scam or ponzi. So if you're interested in the real deal, this is it!

Er, but I guess you'll have to wait for your chance to get in though. As I'm blogging this post, the sign up for new membership is closed again. Like I said, Forex-Trading limit their membership to 500 only. The good thing is, they re-open up their membership regularly by purging inactive accounts. Be patient. You'll get in somehow.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

My-Crosoft and Tatijano.

Listen up, folks. This is for all you who have invested in My-Crosoft and Tatijano till their troubles in May 2005. And for all you who have missed the boat. ;^)

You've till this coming Sunday, 28 Aug 2005, to invest in My-Crosoft / Tatijano to get your 50% bonus on top of your investment. So if you invest $10, you'll get $15 as your balance. How generous can they be?

And for you old timers who invested in these 2 HYIPs and their groups of funds, here's a chance to return to the good old days. Spend at least $5 from the E-gold account you last invested with them, and in their own words, "Monday is the day where you will find your old account balance invested by e-gold, e-bullion, intgold, gold money, netpay added to your present account."

Come on. What have you got to lose? A mere $5. And what have you got to gain? Your old balances stacked with $$$?

Charly (My-Crosoft) and Fred (Tatijano) were known to be honest businessmen engaging in several ventures. Their sites were closed in May 2005 not on their own accord. It was the result of sabotage from within! An investing member! The attempt by Charly and Fred to come back in June / July 2005 was again sabotaged by the same "member". Fortunately, they managed to identify the "member" this time. What actions Charly and Fred have taken against this "member", and what motive this "member" has, I've no idea. But with the cause of the failure identified, I'm quite optimistic that Charly and Fred are now back for good.

So, folks. Let the good times roll.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Invex opens its back door.

Invex closes its front door. Invex opens its back door.

It went private with 1 plan on offer. This is based on the original Gold plan paying 10%-15%-20%-25%-30% over the 5 weeks duration. The minimum to invest now is $1,000. On top of it, you're suppose to pay a one-time non-refundable membership fee of $500. Which means you need to cough up $1,500 initially. The reason? Invex are getting hold of what they term as *serious* investors only.

How to get into the private plan? I'm not telling you here. If you've been an Invex investor, you would have received the email on how to go about it. If you haven't, it is implied that the plan is open to Invex members only at the moment. Either way, that means I don't need to tell you what to do here. :-)

Will I join? Nope. Not that I don't have the means. I'm not ready to plunge in such a sum just like that yet. Not at this stage of my online HYIP journey. Someday I'll though. I'm working on it. Hopefully soon.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Invex closes its front door.

It was another long email from Invex. So long that I don't intend to post it. I'm not in the mood either. If you're an investor, you would have received the email. If you're not, feeding you the whole email is pointless. You just need to know it's closed.

I must say Invex handle the whole closure process very professionally. They set out the difficult online situations they encountered, they go on to tell you the reasons behind the decision to close, they took care of the bonds and refund issues, they then set out the calendar for the major events in the closure. Finally, they sum up with a lesson learnt: 'The "online Investment with Digital Currency" market is not a mature market for real companies.'

You should really read the conclusion in the Invex email if you get a chance. They really get emotion there. Nope, don't even ask. I'm not posting it here.

Is the lesson learnt by Invex true? Maybe. Then again, maybe real companies are not ready for the "online investment with digital currency" market. :-) They don't understand that online investment is a different ball game. Practically every single investor can make their voice heard. "Real" companies are not used to bombardments from all directions at once.

Whatever the lesson, I just lost another cash generating avenue. :-(

This Sunflower is still alive.

Talk about long live. I thought Sunflower Seed was finally a goner. Didn't expect it to spring up again so fast.

Go on. Click the Sunflower Seed link. It will take you to the new site on... Gasp! Tripod. Yes. Tripod. Take a good look at the url displayed in your browser:

Have you heard the golden HYIP investing rule: Never never invest in a HYIP on a free web host? A high yield program on a free web host is automatically associated with scam and ponzi. So, what is Sunflower Seed doing on a free site?

Look at the 1 page content. It says the site is temporary closed and Karsten is on the way to open a managed forex account. It also says the site will be updated with a new layout and a new script. My guess then is that Karsten just dropped the paid hosting to cut cost for the time being. Shouldn't be a big worry here. After all, as I've reasoned, Karsten could have just run away with the money earlier, why bother coming back to restart the investment program?

Incidentally, this new Sunflower Seed site was updated 23 Aug 2005. One day after I posted its disappearance. So I was upset for a day for nothing.

Hope Karsten goes get the managed forex account opened quick. 8% - 15% a month is still no mean feat. Much better than parking your idle cash in the bank.

The meeting was finally over.

Dear Invex Ltd. Investors,

The meeting in Geneva just finished, later than scheduled. An important communication will be done on this list later today,

Thank you for your patience.

Invex Ltd.

I'm patiently waiting for the important communication. Pity I got to go rest soon. Can hardly keep my eyes open.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Is the wait over?

Dear Invex Ltd. Investors,

Tomorrow at 11 AM GMT, there will be a Board meeting with the Lomax Group Corp. managers and the Invex Ltd. Managers about the current situation.

A mailing that will inform you about the concrete operations that will be immediately resumed after this meeting, will be sent to you Investors right after this meeting, that is expected to finish at about 1 PM GMT.

Thank you for your patience,

Invex Ltd.

Is the wait over? Your guess is as good as mine. At least this is a short mail from Invex. :)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Sun not shining anymore.

The overcast is so bad, you don't see no sunshine anymore.

Sunflower Seed is nowhere to be seen right now. Uh... not true. I tried the ".com", and up popped a beautiful web page. But unless Karsten decided to sell real sunflower seeds, it's definitely the wrong picture. I've also tried ".org", ".info", and ".ws". All no go. So, it is gone for now.

Will Sunflower Seed resurrect? There's always a chance. I mean, if Karsten wanted to run with the money, he could have done it when he closed the site on 1 Aug 2005. Why bother to come back on 15 Aug 2005 to re-open the site? To scam for more money? But he didn't allow investment at all!

I'm scratching my head right now. I can't make head or tail of this. Since I can't do anything anyway, I'll just put it aside. And wait. To see if any sunflower is budding again anywhere.

Ugh! Another Invex update.

Don't you just hate me for feeding you all these Invex updates?

Dear Invex Ltd. Investors,

We expected to be back online today (Monday). Unfortunately, we continue to have some technical problems especially in the anonymous remailing system that is beeing installed on our server, and as we explained you in our last information bulletin, we will not come back online until all is not completely ready.

We also decided that, for security reasons, ALL passwords will be changed. When we will be back online, every Investor will receive an email at his registered address, with his investment number(s) and his new password(s).

In case his registered email is not accessible anymore by the Investor, his investment(s) will be terminated and refunded to the account the funds came from. There will be no exception. If the e-currency account is locked for any kind of reasons, the funds will stay in Invex Ltd. as long as the Investors won't unlock his e-currency account.

Since 3 days, we are receiving a lot of messages of support, thank you to you!

We are also receiving a lot of payment requests. As it has already been told, we will not reply to any question concerning the personal cases (accounts) until we are back online. This is a security process, as we will of course not execute any payment order coming from an email address without password!

Moreover, we are a little shocked to receive "urgent payment requests" from people who already received payouts for amounts of 5 or 6 times their initial investment. We perfectly know that some people incitate Investors to withdraw their funds invested at Invex Ltd., on various forum, to make our program collapse. We will not allow this, and that is why our decisions concerning the next weeks payments have already been announced in a previous email. It is anyway sure that people who are already massively in profit with their investments will have no priority at all.

The problem is not to *have the money to pay*, but to have the money *available* to pay! Funds that are invested continue to generate interest, but if we receive $400,000 or $500,000 payment requests in the first days, we will have to massively DESinvest, and that would hurt our program. That is why some limitations have been put during a *limited* time.

We expect to be completely back to our normal system 3 to 4 weeks after we are back online. We will be back online very soon now, it can be today, tomorrow, anyway it will be this week. We decided that even if the mail system is not completely setup on Friday, we will open without mail system on Friday morning at 09:00 GMT, in *any case*.

A special interface has been prepared so that ALL Investors can request a payout and get paid in the next 48 hours, even if it isn't their payment date. Details will be of course published on our webpage.

Thank you for your patience,

Invex Ltd. Staff

If you ask me, I only care about the reopening time which I've highlighted — this coming Friday 0900 GMT — at this point in time. Everything else is moot until the Invex web site is up and running. Once I can access my account, there's always time to come back to this email.

Well, I was willing to wait for 1 week before, so it is still according to plan.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

No news is good news.

Seems like I've just been talking about either Invex or Sunflower Seed lately. Not my choice. I can't help it they are in the news.

How about the other funds I'm in? How are they doing? You don't hear me talking about them, do you? Well, like the saying goes, no news is good news.

So, you should really go seriously look at Fastmarket. Or FeederFund. Forex-Trading is no bad choice either.

More Invex than you care.

Dear Invex Ltd. Investors,

The technical staff at the datacenter is working hard and things are on the right way. Here are some explainations of what we are doing:

As you know, our server was attacked and seriously hit. We were using the Prolexic protection, that was very efficient, but a small bug in OUR protection (Not from Prolexic, but from US, our technical team) made the hackers able to enter our server.

Using Prolexic, our site's IP address was hidden, and impossible to guess. The "bug" was that in the emails that our server sent to you (for the Support Center, for the passwords, etc), showed the IP address of our mail server!

The hackers entered our server through THIS IP address. Then it was easy for them to redirect the domain to another place, and so appeared this fake "Plesk page".

We will use this lesson, and are working so that:

1- The IP address of the domain will be hidden as before, 2- The mails sent from the server (Tickets, passwords, etc) will be sent through a chain of public remailers. Some of you who know, for example, Mixmaster, the "onion routers" etc, understand what I am speaking about.

This takes time, and we will not re-open the site, even for a "welcome" page, until all is setup. Hackers showed how efficient is their work, and we won't give a chance to them.

We decided to stop working with Prolexic despite we were very happy of their Service, but we prefer work with a 100% new system.

The domain name HAS BEEN recovered by us.

About the DNS: We let them, until we are not ready to run again, at Zoneedit. We will then change them to a DNS server that will be, too, hidden. Requests will go through a well-protected network, redirected to our hidden DNS server, that will then send them to our "protected network" (Like Prolexic was before), that will send them to our server!

Sorry for all these technical details, but they were usefull as we read all the stupid stuff that is told on various places. About this, we decided to not give any kind of reply. Our only reply will be done by the re-opening of our service.

The question you are all asking is "When?". We are working on the "remailer" system that must be installed on our server. It is hard to setup as it involves cryptography, frequent automatic tests that must be run every 10 minutes or so to be sure that the network that will be used to route the emails is not broken, etc etc.

We are still expecting to be online at the beginning of the week, but we will for sure NOT reopen until ALL is at 100% ready. ONE small error and we are gone for a new hack!

I will just reply to a message from probably a "specialist of security", who wrote "With $5,000,000 received, they are not able to protect their website!" This is a really stupid remark, as bank servers are sometimes hacked too, as governmental servers too! And they have more money than us to protect their business!

A last note about our last update: All what we wrote about, including about some third parties companies, is 100% accurate and will be developped as soon as we will beck online.

Those of you who want contact us may write to* We will try to reply to everybody, but you probably understand that we are about to receive thousands of mails, so be patient for the reply. Moreover, we ill not reply to questions about "your" investment, with sums that will be paid etc. Just know that your investments are SAFE and continue to generate profits, you will just login when we will be back online and will see them.

Thank you again for your patience!

Invex Ltd. Staff

Must really hand it to Invex for their timely and detailed communication. No trouble then, right? Just a little bit more delay. Let's be patient. Then again, the skeptic in this HYIP player makes me wonder...

Oh well. Only 1 week to find out.

* I don't want every Tom, Dick and Harry to email Invex, so I masked the email address.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sunflower overcast.

You're not gonna like this weather forecast. We have had bright sunshine for a few days, but right now the looming overcast is, well, looming.

Go try access Sunflower Seed. See? I told you this is no good. An overcast of 404 + suspended page.

Shall we get to see the sunshine again?

Honest. This HYIP is a Ponzi.

I'm a sucker for honesty. Probably because I'm rather a straight forward chap myself. How else would you explain my getting into such HYIP investments as Sunflower Seed and Forex-Trading with — seemingly so if not truly ;-) — honest operators?

Honesty was what attracted me to PonziHYIP after spotting it on the HYIP Farm blog. The admin is a fun loving person, appropriately called "Ponzi". S/he operates the high yield program to experiment if investors will invest in a site open about being a ponzi. Started with $2,000 to get the ball rolling, s/he tells exactly how the "sleazy" operation is run to make money out of you!

Honesty + fun + $2k seed money + "sleazy" insider information + $1.4k average daily intake at last count. Look great to me. Don't you think?

So, it's no surprise then that I went scouring me E-gold barrel and came up with a measly $3 to pump into PonziHYIP.

Why not? I've been known to go for cheaper thrill before. And you can't get any ponzi or HYIP more honest than PonziHYIP.


Forex-Trading. Your safe investment.

With an investment program name that straight forward, what else can you ask?

We offer several investment plans which are secured by our daily Forex trading.

No bloated returns. 0.3% - 0.5% per trading day in the current 3 plans, plus a 10% or 25% portion in the weekly forex profit.

Please keep in mind that not all trades close with profit. Losses are possible as well. We do our best to minimize the loss risk and take the profitable trades.

And they tell it like it is. Painting rosy picture is not their job.

What is for a domain?

It is a dynamic DNS domain. When ever we get under DDOS attack like other HYIP we can change easily the name, notify our members via email and restart again without any problems.

They thought of DDoS attack too. So accessing your account anytime shouldn't be a worry.

Who are we?

We are 2 native German, living in Paraguay and trading for living.

Isn't Karsten, the Sunflower Seed admin, from German as well? Are they all so blunt and direct?

We have experience with Forex Trading since 04.2004.

Years and years of trading experience they have not. But who cares? As long as they deliver their promise.

Direct. Straight forward. To the point.

Like their style. I'm in. You?

These guys are realistic. With just 1 active trader, they are limiting the membership to 500 at the moment. But no worries. All members with "0 Account Balance + 0 Investment + Sign Up older 30 days" are deleted regularly. If you don't get in the first time, come back again. You'll be lucky one day. You'll become that 500th member of Forex-Trading.

Only if you're lucky.

Like I was. :^)

Friday, August 19, 2005

3rd wind coming.

Invex wants this published in full. So, here it is. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Dear Invex Ltd. Investors,

Here is an update on the current situation, please largely publish this email to inform people that are not registered on our mailing list but who feel concerned by the Invex Ltd. situation. Please if you publish this message, do not truncate it.

Seeing the serious technical problems we had to face, I came back earlier from South-America, and am currently in Geneva, Switzerland, where was hold a meeting between the Invex Ltd. and the Lomax Group Corp.


As we told you earlier, the server and the domain name were "hacked". First, the IP address assigned to sent the connections to another folder than the original Invex Ltd. website, where was displayed a forged "Plesk page".

Then, the hackers changed the DNS of the domain name and pointed it to a "For sale" page, with some insulting messages, then (as it is now), on a "Soon back" page!

We have contacted the ICANN to recover our domain name. It takes some time as we had to send the ID copies of Mr. Werner, the Administrative Director of the Lomax Group Corp. who is the legal owner of Then, there is an administrative process that takes some time.

On the technical point, we purchased a dedicated box in a Central American datacenter, and moved all the files there. We decided to cancel our Prolexic protection, not because we were unhappy of the great Service they supplied, but because we wanted be back "100% new". We have hired another team for the server protection, and they will have completed the setup on Friday evening probably.

We do expect to be back on Saturday, and anyway before Monday.


We are conscient that a lot of Investors will worry now of our program, and that we could face massive payment requests. That is why we decided the following rules:

  • * All the pending requests before the downtime will be paid as soon as we will be back online.
  • * For the new requests, we will, during 2 weeks, accept the payment of only the WEEKLY interest. All requests to receive the compounded interest or to terminate the investments, will be converted into a weekly payment.
  • * We will then, after 2 weeks, see the situation and will announce if we go back to the normal process, or if we extend this "Weekly payments only" period.

My feeling is that seeing us back, and paying, will make our Investors, ONCE MORE, more confident in our programs and our Company.

All changements that were announced some days ago, especially about the Silver plan, the Phone line, etc, will of course be done as promised.


Invex Ltd. stops with immediate effect all collaboration with myGcards: On August 11th, one of our largest Investors (A Titanium plan and a few Platinum plans), sent a $80k (USD 80,000!) wire to fund his gcards he purchased through Invex Ltd. Our Investor already sent large wires after our payouts, to fund his cards, and never encountered any problem. This last time, after waiting 6 days, mygcard decided to block all the cards of our Investor, and declines to send back the $80k wire, with an allegation of "suspicion of fraudulous transactions". MyGcard yesterday asked our Investor to supply a copy of an ID. Our Investor sent it about 12 hours ago, and myGcard doesn't reply to his emails. Our Investor has lost $80,000, stolen by mygcard, at least at the time I am writing this message.

I have personnally tried to help solving the case with Mr. Alain Vignard, the Vice-President of myGcard. My efforts have been vain, our Investor doesn't even now receives any reply to his emails from the myGcard Support. If the case isn't resolved in the next hours, we will publsih on the Invex Ltd. website all the emails exchanged between me and Mr. Alain Vignard.

Another reason about the immediate cessation of our collaboration with myGcards is that we got serious evidences that the Vice-President of myGcards is personnally involved in money laundry with large amounts of cash transferred between a few countries. We have been told that some official investigations are about to be launched. Despite this does not concern Invex Ltd. at all, we cannot continue working with myGcard.

That is why we will not resell any more Gcard, and we will not accept anymore reload requests. Cards purchased can always be reloaded directly by myGcards, assuming the company will not disappear tomorrow.

We do apologize for this situation, as we recommended and promoted the cards offered by It seems that we have been too confident in the kind words of the myGcard Vice-President and didn't do enough DD.


We got, at least, a positive reply from a Western European reputable bank and will be able to offer bank accounts to our Investors. The price will be $200, including a debit card, a TRUE debit card with a "Cirrus" logo, directly emitted by a LICENCED bank. Applicants will not need to visit the bank. The details will be available on our website as soon as we will be back.


Our webmaster used this downtime to prepare a new design for the Invex Ltd. website.

We will also launch, mid-September, weekly video-conferences. The program will be announced soon, right after our comeback online.

Dear Invex Ltd. Investors! Two times again, we went offline for technical reasons, for attacks from hackers. Two times already, this incidents were used by a few people to defamate our Company. Two times, we went back. We could have thought that these "specialists" would be a bit more decent, today. Sad, but NO, they are back on various forums, with their "We told you", or "They are gone", etc.

We at Invex Ltd. feel very sad for them: Our third comeback will show them as the... Specialists, they are really!

Thank you to You, Invex Ltd. investors, and see you soon online!

Renaud de la Taille
Invex Ltd.

What do I think? I'm not thinking. I'm taking my weekend early. All else can wait till Monday.

Or later.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Riding the wind.

This just came in from Invex.

Dear Invex Ltd. investors,

Here is the situation:

1- The server has been hacked, and the site sent offline.

2- The domain name has been stolen by hackers.

For the point 1-, the server files have been transfered to another server. We are changing our security system too, stopping to work with Prolexic to be back on a 100% "clean" basis. The security system should be ready before Monday Aug. 22nd, very probably on Saturday.

For the point 2-, we have contacted our registrar who asked to send copies of the passport of Rudi Werner, the administrative director of the Lomax Group Corp., as the domain is registered under his name. We had also to fill a few forms. All has been submitted and the domain should be back to us in the next 72 hours. Then we will have to change the DNS to reflect our new data center.

It means that the Invex Ltd. website will be back online at least Monday, and very probably earlier.

About the Yahoo Group, we have closed the "Talking group" as it was mailbombed by thousands of messages. The "Information group" (This group) cannot be bombed as it is setup to automatically reject all messages. Our Yahoo mailbox (the group owner) is also mailbombed, all messages are automatically trashed, that is why we do not reply to anybody.

We are of course aware of all what is currently told on various forum, and decided to not give any reply. It is the 3rd time we have technical issues, it is the 3rd time that "specialists" are giving their lessons, and it will be the 3rd time they will show their lack of competence.

At least, our soon comeback will make a great and free advertizing for Invex Ltd.!

Thank you for your patience!

Invex Ltd.

That took care of my concern over the disappearance of the Yahoo group. Come Monday latest should be the D-Day to strengthen the faith of the investors in Invex.

Gone with the wind?

The Invex site is down.

Dear Investors,

The server is currently attacked and we are moving it once more. Thank you for your patience.

Invex Ltd.

I'm fine with this explanation if it stands alone. We've gone through this DDoS attacks before and they have come back. Couple with the disappearance of the "invex_limited_talks"* Yahoo group though, they worry me. The group just went poof like that. If my reply to a post didn't bounce, I wouldn't have known at all. Triple these with my previous concern, I'm upset.

Not that I'm not in the black with Invex. It just doesn't help make losing a golden-egg laying goose a less depressing thought. My only consolation is that the "invex_limited"** Yahoo group is still around. So maybe there is a good explanation to all these?

* invex_limited_talks - This is the discussion forum for Invex members.
** invex_limited - This is for announcement by Invex.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Sunflower budding, again.

Karsten said he will be back on 15 Aug 2005 after his planned vacation. Guess what? He's really back!

Sunflower Seed is back in business... not yet. The member area is still locked as Karsten puts through the changes he indicated before he went on vacation. In his own words:

I'm back from my little vacation trip here in germany.

Plans for the future:
- no refunds at this time.
- open a managed forex account.
- all members will get a profit out of the managed forex account and can withdraw their initial investment after a resonable time.
- the trades will be showed so anyone can be sure its real trading and how much profit will be earned.
- the site will be updated: new site, new layout and a new script
- will post regularly updates about the upcoming new structure.

More updates in the next days.

65% of a poll were confident Karsten would be back. The fact that he did come back definitely boosts the confidence level. Is it any wonder that every posts in the Sunflower Seed forum are so far positive, or at the worst, neutral?

So Sunflower Seed is budding again. I'm looking forward to the day it blossoms.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Amusing copycat HYIP

When I saw this copycat HYIP, I almost went ROTFLOL.

TradeInvest? Didn't it died long ago, like 3 months back? Started in late 2004 and ended in May 2005 or thereabout, TradeInvest was one of the biggies in its heydays. Very successful and very reliable, paying out like clockwork. Many swore by it. As events unfolded though, it was nothing but a very well run ponzi after all.

I've no doubt the current reincarnation is run by some scammer-wannabe. The operation is a complete copycat of the original, starting from the web site layout, the color scheme, the pictures, right down to the investment plans, rates and durations excepted. That was what almost sent me ROTFLOL - the faithfulness to reproduce the original.

Did you take a good look at the returns? 20% daily for 10 days, 210% in a week. Oh, this is the best part: 1200% in a month! Pump in $100 and get back $1,200 in a month. Wow, we'll all be millionaires in no time putting our hard earned money here. Who are these guys kidding?

So, this is my warning to all new players in the HYIP field: Stay far away from TradeInvest. Don't be lured by the high return rates to try your luck. No respectful HYIP players should give this site a second look. Of course, those real pros who want to play a hit-and-run game excepted.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Turbulence beneath the calm?

I've expected much more reactions at the Sunflower Seed forum. What with Karsten, the admin for the high yield investment program, suddenly revealed that he initially wanted to run a ponzi HYIP site. He was now confused and remorseful. He was going on a planned 2 weeks vacation and putting everything on hold. He would most likely come back to run an honest, bona fide investment site. Yet, I see hardly any posts regarding the fate of Sunflower Seed.

Sure there were the usual naysayers and optimists. Only thing is, I can count them all with one hand, almost. What happen to the rest of the investors? Also, other than the first couple of days, the forum is rather peaceful right now. Everyone seems to weather the crisis pretty well.

Maybe this is the aftereffect of the recent collapses of Prime Fund and Syncinvest*. If these two could close just like that, what do you expect of the smaller funds? Or maybe there is turbulence beneath the calm. Karsten is scheduled to come back after 15 Aug 2005. Maybe the turbulence will only surface then?

Who knows? Only time will tell.

*PS. If you don't know, Prime Fund and Syncinvest were two of the most reliable and long term online HYIPs. Somehow, both "decided" to close shop back in Jun 2005 after a series of DDoS attacks. It was speculated that their closure caused the closure of a series of smaller high yield programs which invested in the big two.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Received my Invex interest on cycle 2

Though I told you to be careful investing into Invex at this moment, I should let you know that my withdrawal request was honored. I've received my 1st interest from cycle 2 today. Nothing spectacular. Still, a return is a return.

Does this boost your confidence? Are you tempted to put in some funds? Can't wait to get your 1st interest too?

I understand how you feel. Everyone wants to earn an easy buck. Please don't just think of the returns though. You must think of the risk too. As I always say: Invest in Invex at your own risk.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hold on to Invex?

Just read from a review site I frequent to hold on investing in Invex. At least till the 2nd week of August 2005 before you do anything.


He suspects Invex will run with the money. He also says that at least another person has expressed the same misgivings.

I'm in the black with Invex. I'm fine even if it goes.

If you're still keen on Invex, invest at your own risk, as I've blogged every so often.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Sunflower withered?

This is a reeeeaaaal dramatic turn of events!

The crux: Karsten is closing Sunflower Seed - Temporary? Forever?

He couldn't decide. So, how should I know?

What I do know, this is an honest guy in dilemma. He's tired and tempted, but his morality just wouldn't allow him to run away with the money.

I haven't checked the reactions to Karsten's sudden action yet, but I know this is just going to raise hell. Hopefully, by the time the dust is settled, Karsten and Sunflower Seed will come back and grow stronger.

Crossing my fingers.

It worked once. It will work again. :-)

Friday, July 29, 2005

Get back you just planted Sunflower Seeds.

Latest developments in Karsten's own words:

I will offer a refund for all deposits made 3 days before (==> 2005-07-26) on Field 02 and 03. Please send a Private message via the board software with the details about your deposits. Possible only for deposits from outside of your account.

See the posts here:

Also, more changes to the field investments again here:

I don't know what these mean so I've posted the question to Karsten:

Best for everyone invested in Sunflower Seed to monitor the forum themselves for the latest developments.

Let's go play in the Sunflower fields again.

Sunflower Seed has just gone through a major overhaul of its "fields".

Gone are the high risk high return fields (2 & 3). You're left with low risk stable fields of 4 & 5. Not only that, all investments in fields 2 & 3 are shifted over to fields 4 & 5, and rates are adjusted as well.

You can read more about the changes over at the forum here:

Do I start to panic?


In fact, I applaud Karsten, the CEO and admin of Sunflower Seed, for taking such a bold and drastic action. It is a move to stablilize and ensure the longevity of the program. A move to bring the program to a status of "real" HYIP.

Sure I miss the high paying fields, sure I like to double my money in 2 months. Doesn't everybody just love for the goose to lay a golden egg everyday? But what if laying an egg everyday will kill the goose? Would you rather have a dead goose or one that lays a golden egg every week or month?

My choice is clear.

My only gripe is the short notice of the change. Karsten could have told us a week or a few days before hand. That would at least have given me time to react and manage my funds accordingly. For one thing, I probably would have taken out the fund I just rolled over instead of reinvesting it.

Overall though, thumbs up Karsten. Thumbs up to Sunflower Seed for a step nearer to becoming a "real" investment program.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Invex up again.

Just checked. Invex is up again.

Does crossing of fingers really work? :-)

Invex down for server upgrade.

Just got an email from Invex it's down for server upgrade.

Subject: Technical upgrade of the server, please be patient

We are upgrading the server and it will take up to an hour or so to be completed, thank you for your patience.

Invex Ltd.

Well, the last few times I got this type of message...

Crossing my fingers.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Get something for nothing: The saga continues...

Ha! Found 2 more sites similar to GoldFXClub mentioned in my last blog:

EFXGold is better than GoldFXClub as far as I'm concern. It gives you $0.10 upon sign up, and another $0.90 on 1st deposit, making up the free $1 bonus. Actually this is how GoldFXClub works too. But depositing is where EFXGold gets better: You get a "kickback" of 5% - 10% on your investment!

So, with the minimum $1 investment, I got back: $0.10 sign up + $0.90 1st deposit + $0.05 (5% of $1) deposit "kickback" = $1.05 free bonuses.

Instant profit of $0.05!

If only e-gold didn't charge me $0.06 for receiving the fund.

No worry. I'll get it back from the daily interests soon. I hope.

The best yet is GoldGains: Instant $0.09 net profit! It was simple. I took the $0.10 sign up bonus, and paid the $0.01 e-gold fee. Now, if I could just find 99 more sites like GoldGains, and do what I just did...

Wait. No investment? No investment.

You get the 5% - 10% deposit "kickback" like EFXGold at GoldGains, but you'll only get the 50% free 1st deposit bonus for a spend of $20 or more. Plus my ever helpful assistant, Didi*, alerts me that many HYIP rating sites and forums blacklist GoldGains. So, no thanks it is then. No point risking even $1.

Cheap skate? All these signing up just for peanuts? Hey, I'm a simple man. I go for cheap thrill. Besides, like I said, if you could sign up with 99 more sites like these...

Don't under estimate the power of small accumulations.

GoldFXClub, EFXGold, GoldGains.

Those are my current "Hit & Run" list. Invest at your own risk, you ok with that?

* If you didn't know, my lovely assistant, Didi, does all the due diligence for me. ;-)

Get something for nothing at GoldFXClub!

This is way cool. Get something for nothing at GoldFXClub...

... if you're not greedy!

The club offers you $1 free with your 1st deposit. You can withdraw the $1 bonus immediately with the bonus key you receive in your sign up email address.

And guess what's the minimum deposit amount? $1!

Get something ==> With $1 invested, you get paid 1% daily.
For nothing ==> You deposit $1. You withdraw $1. Do you pay anything? Nothing!

Fine. I admit. You're still short of $0.05. Curse the e-gold transaction fee.

Come on. This is still a good deal, right?

Craving for more free cash? Try depositing $500 to get $50, or $1,000 to get $100. And you get 2.05% and 2.50% daily too.

Be careful filling in the fields when you sign up though: Don't put your e-gold password without thinking at the password field just below the e-gold account field. They are asking for your password to access your GoldFXClub account, NOT your e-gold account. This is one common trick scam sites use to trick you. If you aren't care, next thing you know you'll be crying over a zero balance e-gold account.

Now, am I'm saying GoldFXClub is a scam? No, not at this moment. Only time can tell.

Just remember: You're playing in the HYIP field. Everything is not what it appears. It pays to cover your back.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

My POT of gold broken.

This is long overdue.

As I said in my previous blog, I'm only declaring the death of PO-Trading now for sentimental sake.

So I can't retire with a POT of gold, but at least I managed to get a few gold coins. :-)

Friday, July 22, 2005

DDoS attacks Sunflower Seed.

Sunflower Seed was under heavy DDOS attacks a couple of days back. The admin, Karsten sent out an email to say the site has temporarily been moved to:

Can you afford to lose... financially?

Once you start playing in the high yield investment programs field, this is one advice you are definitely going to come across often:

Don't invest what you cannot afford to lose.

Good advice. I abide by it. Except I always find the exploration and explanation of this rule unclear or incomplete. Something is missing.

Exactly the reason I'm exploring this rule with you.

First, you must understand why we need the "don't invest what you cannot afford to lose" rule.

Simple. One single word:


Surely you must know that there is risk involved investing in all these HYIP programs? If not, I seriously advise you to stop all your investment activities right now, and go read up all you can about HYIPs or go consult someone experienced in HYIP, like me. :-} :-P

Because you cannot be 100% sure what you read on the HYIP sites are true and that the HYIPs will keep their side of the bargain, the "don't-invest" rule is there to help protect you from losing "food" money.

Go to any financial consultant worth his salt. I bet you he'll tell you to take care of your basic survival needs like food, housing and transport before ever thinking of investment of any kind. Sound advice, right? When you need the cash to stay alive tomorrow, would you go spill it on an investment promising the sky 1 month down the road?

He won't stop there either. He'll then tell you to keep aside an emergency fund worth 3 - 6 months your average monthly expenses in case of... emergency, what else? You know, like out of job, sudden illness, etc. etc. Again, sound advice. Life is full of uncertainties so you must be prepared to some extent.

Do you know now "what you cannot afford to lose"?

That's right. They are the monies you need for survival and emergency. Don't use these funds for investment. Don't invest what you cannot afford to lose... financially. When you still have any money left over after all these, you can start accumulating those "what you can afford to lose" funds to play in the HYIPs.

And this is where many will stop when they explain the "don't invest what you cannot afford to lose" rule. In fact, many stop short of the emergency fund. Whichever it is, they normally just talk about the financial aspect of the rule.

But like I said from the start, I always find the explanation of this rule lacking in some ways. I personally consider at least one other aspect. Since I like to keep my blog short, I'll visit the rule next time.

For the time being, it's:

Don't invest what you cannot afford to lose... financially.

There you have it. For now.