Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Paxmix? Perplex!

I came upon Paxmix in a review site I frequent. I did some due diligence and found generally good reivews about it. I was as close as clicking the "invest" button in its member area, before I decicded to check once more its latest rating.

Fate has it that I went checking at HYIPmonitor. And what did i see? Red face!

Drilled into details and saw 2 red (very bad) and 2 blue (bad) faces in total. 1 red + 1 blue each are just voted today, 20 Jul 2005! Reason for the last 2 bad votes? Fake votes.

Can't remember where I read it, but there were comments that HYIPmonitor is now the hot favorite of paid voters because of its popularity. So this shouldn't disturb me considering that many forums and rating sites give Paxmix the thumbs up.

Yet, I hesitated. I vaguely remember looking at the investment opportunity a while back but decided not to invest. Maybe I should just review my decision based on my likes and dislikes, again.


  • Seems to be inhouse scripts +
  • Daily interest rates 1.98% - 2.48% look ok +
  • Reported paying & good reviews +
  • Started since Nov 2004 = 8 months -
  • Manual withdrawal of profit -
  • Fake votes -
  • Some reviews say they're based in Moscow -

3+ vs. 4-. About equal pluses and minues. Then I asked myself the one last crucial question:

Do I feel comfortable investing in Paxmix right at this point of time?


That settles it. Pluses and minuses only give you the hard facts, the logical part of things. In the end, your emotion must align too.

I pulled out at the last minute. If you're still interested, please go ahead. Just remember you're investing in Paxmix at your own risk.

For that matter, you're joining all the programs I list here at your own risk.

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