Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Referral surprise. Take 3.

A follow up on my referral commission from Invex.

I sent a support ticket querying about the commission last night. Didn't expect to receive a reply within 6 minutes. Here's the extract:

The referral commission is 2% of $20, so $0.40.

As we do not pay the cent$, it is written 0. But the $0.40 ARE there, if for example tomorrow you have a new referral, the total will count the today $0.40.

Kathy Nguyen & Oliver Beresford
Invex Ltd. Support

I was impressed: 6 minutes!

Still, I needed to clarify that means I can't withdraw my commission till it adds up to $1 or more. And the support told me I was right:

Yes, but you would like to withdraw $0.20 ? :)

Kathy Nguyen & Oliver Beresford
Invex Ltd. Support

$0.20? Where did that come from? Should be $0.40. Lovely though, support with a sense of humor.

I must say the efficient and friendly support team certainly boosts my confidence in Invex. And yes, that little mistake tells us they are human too.

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