Thursday, August 25, 2005

Invex closes its front door.

It was another long email from Invex. So long that I don't intend to post it. I'm not in the mood either. If you're an investor, you would have received the email. If you're not, feeding you the whole email is pointless. You just need to know it's closed.

I must say Invex handle the whole closure process very professionally. They set out the difficult online situations they encountered, they go on to tell you the reasons behind the decision to close, they took care of the bonds and refund issues, they then set out the calendar for the major events in the closure. Finally, they sum up with a lesson learnt: 'The "online Investment with Digital Currency" market is not a mature market for real companies.'

You should really read the conclusion in the Invex email if you get a chance. They really get emotion there. Nope, don't even ask. I'm not posting it here.

Is the lesson learnt by Invex true? Maybe. Then again, maybe real companies are not ready for the "online investment with digital currency" market. :-) They don't understand that online investment is a different ball game. Practically every single investor can make their voice heard. "Real" companies are not used to bombardments from all directions at once.

Whatever the lesson, I just lost another cash generating avenue. :-(


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

could you post this please?
tks Stewart
My name is C. Stewart Giesen.
I live in Hawaii.

This is MY private investor offer.
I purchased 4 bonds!
Please pass this offer on to anyone you
feel it may concern.

If what the hackers say is true, that they will post the bank info so
we can follow thru to get our money, it may be prudent to have a
collection place to have on file a written record of all investors
with their particulars to prepare for that eventuallty when we
contact the Bank.

I offer my services to collect any BOND Investor information
to have it all at the ready!
This has nothing to do with trying to
recoup investor's losses in any of the other programs of Invex.
We have nothing to do, nor do we have any information
regarding getting investors money back !!
It is just to have a collection of records of BOND investors ONLY!!
You may contact me at 808-523-1153
Please if you want to call, check the time difference from your
I will take calls between 9am and 1pm daily. HAWAII TIME!!
I am not sure why one might want to call
because I do not have any inside information!! ..
but, if you do please do!

Mail your information to me at:
c/o C. Stewart Giesen

I will keep all the info confidential! PERIOD !!!
We should have on record something like this:
--- --- --- example --- --- ---
BOND #1 7/05
Account# 4XXXXX grp1
>>>>>(enter your e-gold # and e-gold acc name,
NOT a bunch of xxx like this example
or, explain by what means you made your investment. Include
any & ALL particulars you feel are important.. )

The following transaction has been posted:
You Paid: INVEX, Account# 1863165
USD 1000.00' worth of Gold (2.366864 oz or 73.617697 grams)
Memo: 1BND/
Merchant reference number: INVEXLTD
Transaction Posted! e-gold Payment batch #: 465XXX
(enter your batch number NOT a bunch of xxx like this example)

Invex Ltd. Investment Automatic System
Your transaction was properly processed.
Your login for this investment is:  B46579307
Your password for this investment is:  8asxxxxxxx
>>>>> ( We do not need your password )
This investment is linked to the e-gold account 4XXXXX
(enter your e-gold # and e-gold acc name,
NOT a bunch of xxx like this example )
The registered email address is

Include your name, address, email address, date of investment
and a contact phone number.
Date it and Sign it!!
We are not accepting email with copies of info.
We not going to be printing out 100s of emails.
We that means all the investors need to have a hard copy, not an email,
on file some place!!

Get an envelope and [[[[ MAIL IN ]]]]] your info to
c/o C. Stewart Giesen
1420 Victioia St. Suite#603
Honolulu HI 96822
that means [ you, me and all the investors ]
need a hard signed copy with the correct deatils,
in case the bank requests it, ..
not a bunch of xxxx.
Your record should have in your particular file
your complete name , address, phone number including area code
and it should be dated and signed.

Also, after my initial thinking of doing this, I can see there
will be a cost for copying records and mailing them in to the bank if requested.
So, to prepare for this eventuallity please include 1$ U.S. Dollar.
These funds will be held and accounted for and use specifically for this excerise.
I am not asking for any $$ for myself!!!!!!
If anyone has any other suggestions on what information might
be necessary to have on file please suggest it, or if anyone has a
better way of doing this suggest it!

Anyway, if YOU wants to send in YOUR info do , If you don't, ... don't!
it is as simple as that!
Sincerely, Stewart

Anonymous said...

Do not post teh first comment..
post the second comment only
Tks Stewart

Vic said...

As you wish, Stewart. 1st comment deleted.