Sunday, August 21, 2005

No news is good news.

Seems like I've just been talking about either Invex or Sunflower Seed lately. Not my choice. I can't help it they are in the news.

How about the other funds I'm in? How are they doing? You don't hear me talking about them, do you? Well, like the saying goes, no news is good news.

So, you should really go seriously look at Fastmarket. Or FeederFund. Forex-Trading is no bad choice either.


Anonymous said...


I would like your honest opinion on VAOL investments.
Both GoldPoll and HyipMonitor have rated this program excellently. Only thing members seem to complain and not understand in ther Forum is the long wait for withdrawal requests (1-7 days).
Maybe this could be your next topic?? :)

Thank you

Jonathan Soave invests in:
FeederFund * FastMarket * Opps-Club * 4Daily * Invex * Expinvest-Internacional

Vic said...


Sorry for the late reply.

I've looked at VAOL before but didn't invest then 'cos it was already operating for quite a long period then - 6 months or so I think. Else everything seemed ok to me then.

Since you asked and since VAOL is still around, I'll go size it up again. But probably only after mid-Sep 05 'cos I'm busy for the next 2 weeks.