Friday, September 16, 2005

New Forex-Trading

Forex-Trading just spot a new outlook.

No more introductory page. You get directed straight to a secure https page. Funny thing is, they still offer you the login options of either secure https or the normal http when both end up being secure.

The layout is now cleaner and more appealing. They put up a new theme with better design. Something more modern like WinXP. They also dumped some unused menu items in the member area. You can see for yourself when you log in how much better it becomes.

Have Forex-Trading gone totally private with this move, granted they have always been kind of semi-private? Are they closing the membership too? As the new design stands, there is no place for sign up. No invitation system either. So no point you going to their web site if you aren't a member yet.

There were plans to update the web site. But I don't recall them talking about going totally private. Nor not accepting any more new members. I'll just have to wait for more updates from the admin. Or ask them if I don't get any news.

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